- Human beings need to express themselves daily in a way that invites physical and emotional release.
- Musical self-expression is a joyful and healthy means of communication available to absolutely everyone.
- There are as many different ways to make music as there are people.
- The human voice is the most natural and powerful vehicle for musical self-expression. The differences in our voices add richness and depth to music.
- Sincerely expressed emotion is at the root of meaningful musical expression.
- Your music is more authentically expressed when your body is involved in your musical expression.
- The European tradition of music is only one sound. All other cultures and traditions deserve equal attention.
- Any combination of people and instruments can make music together.
- There are no “unmusical” people, only those with no musical experience.
- Music improvisation is a unique and positive way to build skills for life-expression.
- In improvisation as in life, we must be responsible for the vibrations we send one another.
- Developed by David Darling/Music for People